Medical Education Grant Requests

Please note that we have exhausted all educational grant funds for 2024 and are no longer accepting applications for this year. We will now be only accepting applications for 2025 programs.

  • Requests must come from an Accredited Provider or Medical Education Company if requesting support for CME.
  • Format must be predominantly digital in nature.
  • Audience: Hepatologists and other liver specialists, gastroenterologists, advanced practice providers working in hepatology or gastroenterology practice settings, and metabolic disease specialists (e.g., endocrinologists, diabetologists, cardiometabolic specialists)
  • Must be Moore’s learning level 4 or higher.
  • Must include enduring materials.
  • Medical Educational Objectives
    • Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH): disease education, guidance and guideline updates, identification and diagnosis of patients and management of NASH.
    • Can be focused on public health and policy, research and/or clinical practice.

Corporate Headquarters

Madrigal is the leading biopharmaceutical company studying the therapeutic potential of THR-β agonism to improve liver health for patients with NASH.